landscaping northern beaches

Garden bed landscaping Northern Beaches

This customer had a sloping disused area of their garden where nothing would grow.  The solution was custom-made, terraced garden beds using recycled timber sourced from Facebook Marketplace.

landscaping northern beaches

(Above) Peter cleared the area of weeds and rocks, ready for the new terraced garden beds. 

First, Peter cleared the area of all plants (mainly weeds) and rocks.

Next, he built a series of treated pine garden beds.  The customer had acquired all the recycled timber from Facebook Marketplace for free.

Peter concreted the new garden beds in place so they were stong enough to the soil and plants without sliding down the garden.

And finally, a tonne of soil was delivered onsite and Peter manually barrowed this in place to fill the new garden beds.

landscaping northern beaches

(Above) The garden beds, made from recycled timber sourced from Facebook Marketplace, ready for the soil. 

(Above) The finished garden beds with soil added, ready for planting. 


If you have questions about a custom-made greenhouse or vegetable patch, contact Peter directly for advice.

Peter is a local Northern Beaches handyman who services clients from Palm Beach to Manly, Terrey Hills to Balgowlah, and everywhere in between. No job too small.

Get all your home repair jobs fixed at once.  Why not prepare a list of all those annoying property maintenance and home repair projects that have been bothering you and get Peter to fix them in one go.

Peter Mitchell
That Handy Guy